Monday, July 4th
7:00 AM
Flag Raising and Morning Salute - Memorial Park
Conducted by Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Allendale.
Activities at Recreation Park
Activities at Recreation Park
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
At the Grandstand
8:30 AM
Athletic Events
Contestants must be Allendale residents.
Age group will be determined by contestant’s age as of July 4, 2022.
Awards include first, second, third and fourth place medals in each of the youth’s events.
A High Point Trophy will be awarded to both the boy and girl scoring the highest number of points in each age group. The decisions of the judges are final.
Age 6 - 7
50 - Yard Dash
Sack Race
Waterfall Race
3 Legged Race
50 - Yard Dash
Potato Race
Sack Race
Balloon Race
Age 8 - 9
60 - Yard Dash
Crab Race
Sack Race
3 Legged Race
60 - Yard Dash
Waterfall Race
Sack Race
Potato Race
Age 10 - 11
75 - Yard Dash
Running Long Jump
Softball Throw
Football Throw
75 - Yard Dash
Running Long Jump
Softball Throw
Hoop Race
Age 12 - 13
100 - Yard Dash
Running Long Jump
Basketball Shoot
Football Throw
75 - Yard Dash
Running Long Jump
Softball Throw
Basketball Shoot
Age 14 - 15
100 - Yard Dash
Running Long Jump
Basketball Shoot
Football Throw
100 - Yard Dash
Running Long Jump
Softball Throw
Basketball Shoot
8:30 AM
Men’s Horseshoe Pitching Contest
Doubles Only - Contestants must be Allendale residents.
Entries for this event will be accepted on the field.
8:30 AM
Men’s Horseshoe Pitching Contest
Doubles Only - Contestants must be Allendale residents.
Entries for this event will be accepted on the field.
10:30 AM
Water Balloon Toss ( all ages welcome)
10:45 AM
Lollipop Race (under 6)
11:00 AM
Ladies' Rolling Pin Throw
Contestants must be Allendale residents.
Entries for this event will be accepted on the field.
11:30 AM
Memorial Fun Run - 1.5 miles
12:00 AM
Presentation of Awards
1:00 AM
All Star Baseball and Softball Games
Activities at Crestwood Lake
Residents and Guests Only - Admission by ticket only
7:30 P.M. — Band Concert By The Community Band of Waldwick
9:00 P.M. — Fireworks Display Click here for important fireworks information
2019 4th of July Events Highlights